Monday, April 16, 2007

Ryan & Crystal's Wedding

So I'm copying Christy and starting a blog on this thing instead of on xanga in order to entertain myself.

Here's what I did this past weekend...

Friday: Worked from 1-7pm and then headed out to Claremont/Upland to Ryan & Crystal's rehearsal dinner. Had some really good lasagna, salad and tiramisu from Olive Garden. Then hung out at Chris' and got more food at in-n-out.

Saturday: Woke up at 7:30am to go to a manager meeting. Then after that I showered and headed out to go get my hair blow dried and straightened by Maureese. Went to Chris' and got ready for the wedding. Drove to Corona where I got to sit and wait while Chris and everyone else got to take pictures because they were a part of the wedding party. Overall... the location of the wedding was nice, the food was FABULOUS... and I will be having a chocolate fountain with strawberries and peanut butter cookies at my wedding!!! hahahaha

Here are some pictures for your viewing enjoyment...

Ryan & Crystal's Wedding

Sunday: Woke up at 8:30am to go to work. Got home at 4pm and then went out to LA to eat at LaLa's with Chris. Got some Pinkberry and then headed back to Chris' where we watched some tv shows he tivo'd for me.

Had a good weekend.... I get Tuesday and Wednesday off which I'm looking forward to. OH! And Vegas!!! I can't wait... going Memorial Day Weekend... have to start saving money NOW!!!