Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Saving Money

So last night I was paying bills and looking at my checking & savings account and have realized that I should be a little more thrifty in my spending, especially since I will be going to Vegas next month and will have to fork over some cash for the hotel room, "O" tickets, and whatever else I will need like food and etc. to keep myself happy.

In doing that... I have come to the conclusion that I will eat at home as much as I can and be as cheap as possible and not buy anything that is not really needed. So today, I will start writing in here what I purchase... so maybe I can see how retarded and careless I am in spending and then it will help me stop!!! Plus... I really want to have some nice spending cash in Vegas so I won't be stressing about how poor I am.

The day is not over yet but I have already spent a couple of dollars on coffee and at Costco. Hopefully I'll be good for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Christy said...

*yay what a good idea, Sooz!